Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail


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Get the foundational training, tools, templates, and monthly live coaching to create a standout, in-demand coloring book that you’ll actually enjoy creating, promoting and selling!!

People are searching for your coloring book but, there's a problem...

Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

You haven’t made it and here’s why

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“I'm not talented enough": You believe that you must have natural artistic skills/talent

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"I don't have enough time": You feel you’re too busy with other responsibilities or commitments to dedicate the time needed to create and promote a coloring book.

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"I don't have the resources": You believe you lack the necessary tools, materials, or financial means to produce a high-quality coloring book.

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"I don't know how to market it": You struggle with being overwhelmed by the idea of promoting and selling your coloring book, lacking knowledge or experience in marketing strategies.

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"There's too much competition": You feel the coloring book market is oversaturated, and you doubt your ability to stand out among other established authors and publishers.

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"No one would be interested": You underestimate the potential demand for your coloring book, believing that it wouldn't attract enough buyers or receive sufficient attention.

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"It's feels too risky": You fear the financial risks associated with self-publishing, worrying about investing time, effort, and money without a guarantee of success.

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"I don't have a large enough audience": You believe you

must have a significant following or fanbase to support the launch and sales of your coloring book.

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"I'm afraid of criticism": You fear negative feedback or rejection, worrying that your coloring book would be criticized or not well-received by others.

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"I don't know where to start": You’re feeling overwhelmed by the process to self-publish, feeling you lack the knowledge or guidance on how to navigate the various steps involved.

You’re probably feeling discouraged and defeated just reading this list right??

Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
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Or you could use a tested signature process to and go from wanna-be or never try to be because of fear and self-doubt

And here’s what happens when you do that:

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You’ll stop questioning your artistic ability because you actually don’t have any, as a matter of fact, you don’t have to know how to draw a straight line.

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You’ll realize that time will no longer be an issue because with this proven system the most ‘complicated’ of tasks will take you more than 30 to 45 minutes!

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You’ll find you don’t need a ton of resources, like having a huge social media following, or a big bank account, assuming a lot of risks (like investing in hundreds or thousands of books taking up space in your garage.

As a matter of fact, you can get started validating your coloring book idea immediately and for less than a coffee and a pastry at Starbucks

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You’ll be excited to promote your coloring book because it will be as simple as talking about it, leaving you free to focus on sharing your book idea in a way that gets people excited and anticipating its release before you publish

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You’ll be able to let go of the fear of "too much competition" market saturation or criticism it simply won’t apply to you because you’ll know what makes you and your book unique I call it your secret sauce and every coloring book creator has it, and I’ll give you a hint that might surprise you… it’s not about the book, it’s you and how you show up!

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You’ll know exactly how and where to start with the Validate Before You Make It Coloring Book Creator Prep Hub a tested system for uncovering and validating a salable coloring book idea!

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Because rushing to produce a book or any product for that matter without validating it is guessing, and guessing is not only a waste of time and energy, not to mention discouraging and expensive.

Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Hi my name is Rodney Washington, three-time self-published book author, host of the Coloring Book Creator Podcast, creator of the Publish & Promote Your Coloring Book in 30 Days course, the Coloring Bookpreneur Society and the Coloring Book Creator Hub membership program

When I published my first coloring book in July 2021 I did it during a very challenging period in my life, I’d lost my father to Alzheimer's disease three weeks after my 58th birthday, and not dealing with my grief triggered bouts of anxiety, and depression exacerbated by the fact that I was grappling with aging myself.

After such a devastating loss I needed something to look forward to, something to remind me it wasn’t too late for me hence the inspiration to self-publish Never Too Late Too Make It Happen

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School Pencil
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
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My first coloring book from idea to publication on Amazon in 5 days!

Then I did what most newbie coloring book creators on the platform do.

Publish and wait for the sales to come in, although I really didn’t expect to make a ton of money from the project, actually, it wasn’t even about the money, I just enjoyed creating the book, the process of producing and publishing a coloring book was something very different from anything I’d done in my many year's career as a photographer, online marketing implementation strategist for coaches, authors, bloggers, and photographers.

After I self-published I turned to my online marketing skills to launch three Facebook groups, grow an email list of over 4000 from scratch, launch a course, three memberships, and publish two more books.

Now I have the privilege of supporting first-time creators conceptualize, produce, and publish 20 coloring/activity books and journals (and counting) on a wide variety of topics from afternoon tea to dog training, anti-bullying, prayer, and scripture to animal kindness and compassion just to name a few subjects.

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After self-publishing over five books of my own over the last 25+ years and having the honor and privilege to support new creators over the last 10-month produce over 20 titles in all sorts of subjects, I realized 2 things


You shouldn't create your book (or anything you plan to bring to market in

a vacuum


the surest way to be disappointed with slow sales and/or lack of interest when your book comes out is because it was released with no audience, no awareness, and no launch plan

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Bottom line: if you want interest pre-publication and sales out the gate you must create customer buy-in, support, and feedback as you’re producing your book

Not after it’s published.

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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Every published author from a New York Times Best Seller to a local selling out of the trunk of their car knows that grassroots tactile marketing is the fastest way to spread the word and increase book sales!!

Want To Sell More Books Faster?

Just like a politician, part of the game is you’ve got to be willing to shake more hands and kiss more babies (both in person and online)

I constantly tell my coloring book creator society members

You've got to get in front of your book

Like Coloring Bookpreneur Society member Contona B. Fair Sold 30 copies of her book Be A Blessing! Not A Bully!

In one afternoon!!

Hear to how she

30 copies of her first book in one afternoon

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Nefertari Guice to date has sold close to 100 copies of her book Serve The Silent doing grassroots marketing, in addition to getting her book picked up by a local bookstore she’s now booking live Color🖍️ & Sip 🍷 Events at local wineries and having fun connecting with her growing fan base.

Now you might be thinking, “Is in person the only way you can sell, can you do it

online?” Absolutely, but just like offline have to show up consistently and have a plan like podcast guesting, for example, a strategy I teach inside the Coloring Book Creator Mentor Course

Listen to our

podcast interview

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Coffee Cup and Donuts
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Sampling of Coloring Book Creator Author Books!

Over 30 Published Titles To Date & Counting

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Imagine how would it feel to have a waitlist of interested buyers with raised hands 🙋🏻‍♀️ requesting to be notified when your coloring book goes live?

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Cup of Hot Coffee
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

In my experience, books sold in person generate cash flow quicker which affords you the opportunity to connect in person with your customers on a deeper level.

That and the valuable intel you can’t always get online, not at least when you’re just starting out but everything starts with having a winning book idea that you’re passionate about offering a unique and fresh point of differentiation that helps you and your book stand out and that’s exactly what’s waiting for inside the Validate Your Coloring Book Idea Before You Make It On-Demand Workshop inside the Coloring Book Idea Hub

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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

I personally guarantee to help you get your book idea out of your head and into your hands in 30 days or less -or- continue working with you until you do


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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Includes everything you need to lay the foundation for creating a standout, in-demand coloring book that you’ll actually enjoy creating, promoting and selling!!

You'll get instant access to

  • The Complete Publish Your Coloring Book in 30 Days Course
  • 90 Days in the Coloring Bookpreneur Society Live Coaching Program
  • ​Including all the worksheets, templates, scripts, spreadsheets, and digital planner
  • ​Access to an ever-growing audio resource library inside the Coloring Book Creators Hub to keep up to date on the latest trends in book design (including AI artificial intelligence for page design) and marketing/promotional ideas
  • ​Access to the inner circle Facebook group for accountability, connection, and support
  • ​Feedback on your book ideas, worksheets, and strategy in the Facebook inner circle group
  • ​Monthly Recorded Coaching and Q&As every month (send in your questions to get feedback)
  • Access to password-protected member portal
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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
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Here's a sneak peek of what's inside...

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includes scripts, templates & workbook

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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
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Get these bonuses when you sign up today

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Contona B. Fair sold 30 copies of coloring/activity book

"Be A Blessing! Not A Bully"

at her first live event and is now attracting the attention of agencies

Former nurse now published coloring book author Lorayne Dawson unboxing her very 1st coloring book Sarcastic Coloring and Journalling! She's now planning a whole new series of books based on sarcastic wit and humor

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Michele Wolf has to date published 12 books and counting, in addition, she's embraced the power of AI (artificial intelligence) and is using it to create private commissions, a subscription box and more

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Susie Antara James artist, energy worker, angel channeler and published author working on new coloring book of stories and illustrations

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Marsha Ashley

unboxing her new coloring "Do All Things With Kindness" for a special promotion she's hosting

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Coloring Book Idea

Prep Kit


The Validate Your Coloring Book Idea Before You Make It Audio Course & Workbook

3-Day Recorded Challenge Workshop Series

Social Media Template Starter Pack Plus bonus worksheets, templates, scripts, spreadsheets, and digital planner

Monthly Recorded Coaching Call Q&A Session (send in your questions to get feedback)

Computer Screen Illustration
Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone
Ipad pencil


Coloring Bookpreneur

Creators Mentor


Everything in The Coloring Book

Creator Prep Kit


The Publish Your Coloring Book

in 30 Days Self Study Course

3 Months of Live Coaching Get All Of Your Book Publishing & Marketing Questions

Answered In Real Time

Best Value


Publish Your Coloring Book in 30 Days

Self Study Course


Everything in The Coloring Book

Creator Prep Kit


Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

(Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: I’m not an artist (ie. I can’t draw) can I make a coloring book if I can’t draw and if not, where can I get page designs for my book?

A: No, you don’t have to know how to draw or be an artist to create a beautiful coloring book, I didn’t draw any of my books, you have several options at your disposal just to name a few you can source pre-designed, ready-to-download coloring pages from services like Creative Fabrica, you can hire line artists on Fiverr for as little as $5 a page, another very popular option and one I’ll be teaching in the program is AI tools like MidJourney and Spark by Creative Fabrica

Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Q: I’m not technically savvy, how much technical knowledge does the program require?

A: It’s not a tech-heavy program, the one program I highly recommend for customizing the social media graphic templates and sample coloring book pages is Canva they offer a free option available.

Other than that the documents ie. spreadsheets and the quiz/questionnaire are shared via Google Documents. The prep guide planner is delivered in PDF format. The program features video walkthroughs on how to use tools like Canva which you can get started with the free version

Q: How much time will it require?

A: This is a self-paced experience, you can take as much time as you need

Q: Will I be able to complete and publish my book in this program?

A: You could but that’s not the focus of this level of membership.

The sole focus of the Coloring Book Prep Kit is to get your coloring book idea validated and confirmed so you’re clear on the idea, which includes creating an engaged audience that has expressed interest in your book idea so you’re not creating in a vacuum.

By focusing on developing an audience as you're fleshing out your book idea you’ll have a list of potential buyers ready to buy it when your book finally goes live.

Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Q: What’s the difference between the Coloring Book Idea Prep Kit and your premium membership The Coloring Bookpreneur Society?

A: The prep kit is just that, it’s designed to exclusively assist our members with validating their coloring book idea, which includes creating a sample of their book idea that is used as a lead magnet (most internet marketing circles often referred to as a freebie) you’ll use this to start attracting the attention of future interested book buyers which you’ll freely give in exchange for their contact information, usually first name and email address.

The prep kit includes training on a free way to collect interested leads and communicate with them as you plan your book.

The prep kit was designed for setting up the foundation of your coloring book publishing journey ie. validating your book idea, creating an interest audience, launching an email list, and establishing a social media presence.

A platform I recommend is starting a Facebook group, although it could be any social platform where you feel most comfortable and using it to deepen relationships with your growing audience.

My premium membership The Coloring Bookpreneur Society is a complete A-to-Z system for creating and actually publishing your coloring/activity book, journal, planners, or a combination of all three.

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Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Many of our society members are extending their coloring book projects beyond books, including re-purposing their page designs into products like wall art, note card kits, and digital downloads to sell on Etsy, and launching paid workshops and memberships, including subscription boxes.

One of our society members is now getting paid offers for private commissions

In addition, society members get access to six live coaching sessions per month to direct support, plus auto access to bonus workshops and training.

So the basic difference, the prep kit focuses on setting up the foundation of your coloring book creator business with limited coaching access, and the society is more in-depth offering more direct support

Q: What if I‘m interested in producing other types of books, not just coloring books, will this program work for me??

A: Absolutely! The program will work for you if you’re publishing other types of books, like... journals, and planners both physical and digital, in addition, it will help you set up an online foundation/presence for your publishing business, for example, using your publications to creates spin-off products like wall art, totes, and phone cases just to name a few and educational based programs like mini-courses, memberships.

School Pencil
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Q: What makes your program different than say a service like Bookbolt?

A: Bookbolt is a paid online software service that offers keyword research tools and basic book layout tools. While it can be used for coloring book creators, its content resources (actual page designs) seems more favorable in the area of word search puzzles which is a type of low-content book.

The Coloring Book Creator Prep Kit offers similar research education in the form of training, plus 24-hour/weekday response to member questions, monthly coaching support, deep-dive training into finding and establishing an audience, including the most important components of running an online business, developing an email list, and establishing a social media presence that funnels incoming leads not just your coloring book projects but any ancillary spin-off projects you’ll create in the future.

Basically the foundations of setting up your publishing business with a deeper level of support beyond just creating a book and posting on Amazon

Q: In addition to the enrollment fee are there any other expenses I should prepare for?

A: Yes, but they're minimal, your primary expense will be sourcing coloring pages, for example, if you use a service like Creative Fabrica can run anywhere from $9 a month for their AI tool Spark up to $29 a month for access to their full stock library of coloring pages, fonts and etc. You can sign up for a month and you cancel if you need. If you opt to hire a freelancer on Fiverr to hand draw your pages those can be had for as little as $5 a page.

Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Q: Am I locked into a membership? How easy is it to cancel?

A: No, this is a course with 90 days of live coaching. You will receive an invitation to continue in the society as a monthly paying member but it is totally optional.

If you wish to enroll (again it is totally optional) you’re never locked into a recurring membership and if you do decide to join the society you can cancel at any time, just message me on Facebook Messenger and say you want to cancel your membership before the rebill and I’ll take care of it no questions asked.

The reason why I use FB Messenger is emails can get lost, missed, or caught in spam. Every messenger is guaranteed to reach me and respond within 24 hours.

Q: What if I have more questions, can I speak with someone?

A: Absolutely, you can contact me Rodney Washington by Facebook Messenger or Text Me at 415-851-1222 I typically respond within 24 hours

School Marker
Woman coloring an adult coloring book, new stress relieving trend, mindfulness concept, hand detail

Coloring Book Creator

611 Gateway Blvd

Suite #120

South San Francisco, CA 94080



Tel: 415-851-1222

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